Why you’re causing it. Resisting it. And how to get out of it…
So, let’s talk about overwhelm…Because if you’re not experiencing it (at least occasionally) You’re too comfortable. Our ego wants us to feel safe. Anything outside of our comfort zone, it will immediately try and pull us back. That’s why when we’re crushing it and hitting an upper limit, our ego will do whatever it can to sabotage 😉
On the flip side… If you are experiencing overwhelm for more than 7 minutes. You’re not doing it right.
Most people get so caught up in the ‘story’ of overwhelm that they play victim to it. They let themselves be consumed by it and identify with it. It causes major breakdown and limits their ability to create the greatness they deserve. They let it own them and keep them small. Somewhat frequently. But it’s happening less and less. And for less & less duration. Because we are very adaptable… And constantly evolving! This is an experience share. Not a ‘I read this in a book’ somewhere share. So let’s break it down…
It’s a feeling of too much, drowning, being buried etc.
But what is it really?
Anxiety, sadness, overwhelm. All of those emotions we associate as ‘negative,’ really just boil down to FEAR. And all the emotions we associate as ‘positive’ i.e: joy, bliss, excitement, ecstasy, etc all just boil down to LOVE. Yes… it is that simple!…
LOVE OR FEAR. So what’s real then?.. Well… Just love. The only two fears we are born into the world experiencing are loud noises and falling. Everything else is conditioned into us from experiences, stories we’ve made up, society etc. Which means, the majority of fear is not real. And therefore, neither is overwhelm. MIND BLOWN… So if that’s the case, do we just ignore it? I don’t believe that’s right either. It’s just a sign post.
Triggers are amazing. They’re just an indicator for us to learn and go deeper. With overwhelm. It’s just an indicator we’re out of alignment. When we’re in alignment, everything is flow. It’s fun, easy, joyful, blissful. When we’re not it’s hard. We have to push. Struggle. So leverage fear to your advantage. Use it as a nudge to move you back into alignment. And evolve into an even more AUTHENTIC VERSION of yourself.
Without further ado, here’s more practical steps of how to release overwhelm:
If overwhelm is coming up, use it as an indicator to understand where you are over extended. Our ego wants us to feel safe and not push our comfort zone. The fact that overwhelm is coming up is great, it means you’re growing!
Before we move into a solution, we get to release the charge around it. The process of owning our authentic self is peeling back layers of the onion. You’re already perfect. You get to just strip away the layers so more of your perfection can be revealed.
To release overwhelm, get into a safe and quiet space. Or find an accountability buddy and do it with them. Just sit and really FEEL the emotion for 2 – 3 minutes. IF you really FEEL it, it will process itself.
You can always do emotional release exercises (embodiment exercises like I do in my 1:1 Coaching Calls) through hand screams, punching pillows, squeezing, etc.
Now you have released what’s blocking you, take a few moments to feel your heart. To feel your truth. To feel your unlimited, most awesome version of your infinite self.
You are SO powerful. You are SO unstoppable. Remind yourself that YOU ARE and FEEL all of it!
Next we get to be practical. Now that you’ve released and stepped into your most powerful version of yourself, you get to remind yourself of your vision, your why. Before we get in the car, we know where we are going. But we rarely do this in our day to day right? We just move…
So take 5 mins from a clear head space to write down your 1 year, 90 day and 1 week goals. Then write down your strategy. The simplest and easiest path to get there. If you don’t know the best strategy, find a good mentor or schedule a free 1:1 Strategy Call with me and/or check out my Embodiment Coaching Program.
Now you’re clear, have the path to create your vision and know your strategy, write down literally EVERYTHING on your mind. Take as long as you need. Don’t identify with it, just write it down. Then put it into 4 buckets:
-Remove (not important – just cut it. Cross out those items, woo FEELS GOOD!)
-Delegate it (have a VA, intern, spouse or team member do it) -Systematize (build a system for it if it’s a task you do repeatedly)
-Zone of genius (you are the only one who can do this)
What’s the 80/20? What are the needle moving activities? By doing those, everything else becomes easier. Once you’ve prioritized and created a beautiful ‘blessed to create list’ (because you are so lucky to be creating the life of your dreams), put in Asana, Trello or another project management tool.
Turn off all distractions, notifications, open tabs and get to work. Work in pomodoro’s (50 min on, 10 min off.) Work in an environment that supports you. Free from clutter and distractions. Surrounded by amazing people if that supports you. Use Spotify if needed (deep focus – great playlist). Focus on one task at a time.
That’s it. Knock each item off, one a time. Obey the clock. Celebrate your wins. Reward your hard work. And love the process. You’re creating your dream life.
What did you learn? What stuck out?
Blessings, Melissa