37+ years as a Practitioner/ Mentor & Coach with 15,000+ Clinic Hours

Hi, I'm Melissa Potter

I am a 'born & bred" Kiwi. I live in the scenic Tasman Bay at the top of the South Island in New Zealand.

Melissa with the dog image
About Melissa Yoga Image
Melissa Potter Happy

About my passion

I live in the scenic Tasman Bay at the top of the South Island in New Zealand. I am grateful to have a wonderful balanced lifestyle with my own self-employment as Practitioner/ Mentor & Coach.

Balance and Practice

I have a home based Clinic so love the ability to have flexible hours and keep a balance of my yogic practice, gardening, biking/ walking/ swimming & other outdoor activity & leisure on our beautiful beaches & mountains here – to enjoy time with family & friends and my doggie Bobby! 🙂

 I did a lot of my Anatomy & Physiology and Therapy Diploma & Certificate Training in England and Ireland. I travelled for 15 years and would find a base to work for a while and then travel for a while, and then repeat! I enjoyed seeing many countries and did what we call the ‘big OE’ in my early 20’s. I feel grateful to have been able to travel in the times when there was more global freedom! 

I feel blessed to live in New Zealand and to have the choices and ability to create the work, lifestyle & freedom I have wanted! 

We can indeed create our own reality and LIVE A LIFE WE LOVE! 

This is what I aspire too indeed!

I have on-going passion & desire for self development too and constantly doing workshops & seminars throughout the year to continue my own healing and evolvement… which I believe is all part of our gifted life journey – so let’s rise to it! 🙂

"I found healing and bodywork through my own healing journey from when I was 22 years old"

- Melissa Potter

Advanced Training

I continue to do advanced Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) training each year to stay Registered as a BCST Practitioner with P.A.C.T – website is: www.biodynamic-craniosacral.com. I also recently just completed the Master levels of the Angelic Reiki. I completed the Usui Reiki Master level in the late 90’s.

I am so excited to further build on what I can offer and help people with each year with further on-going study & training with advanced techniques. The body is an incredible mechanism and energetic phenomena indeed! It has a very clever ‘self correcting/healing’ ability that we can tap into with the right tools. This is how I love to help people and it is an ongoing passion of mine. To be of service – MAY ALL BEING’S BE HAPPY!

*Please Note: I am a REGISTERED BCST PRACTITIONER with P.A.C.T. – The Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists. This means I have to do on-going training in CPD – Continued Points Development. This involves yearly BCST Seminar’s learning advanced techniques and the latest in neuro-science research to apply. The P.A.C.T Website and Registry of Australasian BCST Practitioners is: www.biodynamic-craniosacral.com

The Body is an Incredible Mechanism

This is how I love to help people and it is an ongoing passion of my'n.
To be of service - MAY ALL BEING'S BE HAPPY!


'Empowered Holistic Health - Embodied Well Being' Coaching Program

After 37+ years of Clinical consult as a Practitioner/ Mentor, in March 2020 I then released an online International ‘EMPOWERED HOLISTIC HEALTH – Embodied Well Being’ Coaching Program to help and reach even more people with guided tips, tools & solutions – toward a more effective & proactive health regime, to break through any old blocks/ old neural patterns to a healthier & happier life that they DO LOVE!


what do you need?

Huge Passion for Healing Work!

I have a huge passion for healing work and especially can have empathy/ deep compassion for people caught up in their own trauma, feeling stuck, low self-worth, low self care/ love…, after my own healing process and resolve of my own trauma journey, from my childhood, which is what drew me to do this work to begin with and then to continue to heal/ evolve myself on all holistic levels of my being….. to be ALL I CAN BE and enjoy a happy, healthy, healing and peaceful life.

"I have had so much more energy, mental clarity & focus since improving my health and whole mindset with Melissa's coaching program. I dedicated 8 weeks and was so pleased I went for it. I feel I am now in control of how to keep balanced health and the knock on effect to my whole life has been WOW! Amazing!!.”
R. Jacobs
Thank you from the bottom of my whole being Melissa! I am amazed at how when applied the tips and guidance you stepped me through really have transformed my health - and hence my whole outlook on life and what is happening in it now! I was so grateful for your paitience and amazed at how much 1:1 I got - this helped immensely with application!
J. H. Brocum

I Will Help Bring You Liberation!

To be free of trauma, pain, overwhelm, anxiety & ailments…. to then live your life FULLY and TO BE ALL YOU CAN BE!
In gratitude & vibrant health,

Melissa Life Kiwi

In gratitude & vibrant health

Melissa Potter

P.S. Here are some pic’s of me and my daughter, doggie & my life in NZ!…

Melissa with Daughter

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The Art Of Touch

Copyright © 2024 The Art of Touch - All Rights Reserved

Opening Hours:
Mon : 12pm – 7pm
Tue –  Thurs : 10am – 7pm
Sat: 10am – 5pm

Text: (021) 136 – 8439

For Clinic Bookings: theartoftouchnz@gmail.com

For Coaching: elevatehappyhealth@gmail.com

Address: 736 Main Road Riwaka, Tasman, Riwaka 7198.